Site Map

Topics on this site are a mishmash of whatever I find interesting or fun to write about. But they can strike an intelligible arc if not browsed chronologically. So this page functions in the same manner as a Table of Contents in a book. A logical ordering of (some of the) content for the reader looking for a quick, no-BS guide to Awakening “Open Source” style. Want to see something that isn’t listed here? Please contact me through the “About” page. Also please check out my preferred list of external References for helpful information from resources other than yours truly.


What Is Spirituality/Spiritual Seeking?

What Is Enlightenment?

Why Seek Awakening? (Cautions in Regards to Awakening)

The Basics

What Is "The Problem?"

What Is the Fundamental Nature?

Stages of Identification

What Is Awareness/Consciousness?

What Is the Difference Between Awareness and Attention?

Contraction Is an Illusion - Awareness Is Always Aware

What Is Suffering? What Is the End of Suffering?

Why the Ego Isn’t a Problem

What Is Death?

Going Deeper

Identification with Thought

What Equanimity (Peace of Mind) Is and Isn’t

The Light Behind Awareness